HVC is high voltage diode manufacturer supplier(10kv, 20kv, 30kv) alternative replacement of HVGD( Dean Technology) and EDI diodes (electronic devices inc) , VMI diode (Voltage Multipliers Inc) high voltage multiplier diode, high voltage rectifier
Professional High Voltage Resistors manufacturers and supplier, thick film planar resistor, flat and cylindrical type high voltage thick film resistor, replacing famous Ohmite EBG Nicrom Vishay high voltage resistor, with international distributor.
HVC Capacitor is professional high voltage ceramic disc capacitor manufacturer, Our available spec from 1kv to 50kvDC, well replacing famous brand Vishay,Murata ,TDK ,AVX item. • Low losses • High stability • High capacitance in small
FEATURES: • Low dissipation factor of 0.1 % at 20kHz to 1000kHz • N4700 (T3M) Class 1, strontium-based ceramic dielectric • Negligible piezoelectric/electrostrictive effect • Screw terminal mounting
Tha HVC na neach-saothrachaidh a tha a’ tighinn am bàrr de capacitor ceirmeag àrd bholtachd agus co-phàirtean hv co-cheangailte air ais bho 1999, le ionad cinneasachaidh de mheatair 6000sq ann am baile-mòr Dongguan ann an Sìona a Deas. capacitor cumhachd, resistors film tiugh HV agus diodes ceartachaidh HV gus crìoch a chuir air a’ phàirt loidhne.HVC bholtachd àrd againn mar-thà air aontachadh le companaidhean Fortune 500, agus a-nis tha sianal cuairteachaidh HVC a’ còmhdach 12 dùthaich.